I have a project with several QML
files. All of them are inside resource file. Now I want to load external image, from local file system. But I cannot find a way to do that.
Image {
source: "images/image.png" // that tries to load file as 'qrc:/images/image.png'
source: "file://images/image.png" // that does not work (file not found)
So now I'm a bit confused, how can I load the file in right way?
The QML engine assumes that relative paths addressed in QML files stored in the Qt Resource System are resolved within that resource file. So if your QML file is in a resource and you want to access a file in the application directory path you should set the path from c++ :
engine.rootContext()->setContextProperty("applicationPath", "file://"+qApp->applicationDirPath()+ "/");
Now you can address the file in QML :
Image {
source: applicationPath + "images/image.png"