
Is there a recommended approach for handling AppConfig when designing an app for Django 1.6 and 1.7?

Django 1.7 has introduced a new way for handling application configuration that is independent of However the method for using the new AppConfig requires this line:

from django.apps import AppConfig

Unfortunately, this will break in Django 1.6 as there is no apps module.

Is it possible to have an app be compatible with 1.6 and 1.7 using conditional imports, or is it a matter of split code bases? If so, are is there a recommend guide, preferably from the Django developers on how to do so?


  • How about using AppConfig only if django version >= 1.7 (take that into account in __ init file too):

    # myapp/
    from django import VERSION as DJANGO_VERSION
    if DJANGO_VERSION >= (1, 7):
        from django.apps import AppConfig
        class MyAppConfig(AppConfig):
    # myapp/
    from django import VERSION as DJANGO_VERSION
    if DJANGO_VERSION >= (1, 7):
        default_app_config = 'myapp.apps.MyAppConfig'