
Semantics of mov widths in x64 and SSE

Consider the following from here:

mov BYTE PTR [ebx], 2 ; Move 2 into the single byte at the address stored in EBX.

mov WORD PTR [ebx], 2 ; Move the 16-bit integer representation of 2 into the 2 bytes starting at the address in EBX.

mov DWORD PTR [ebx], 2 ; Move the 32-bit integer representation of 2 into the 4 bytes starting at the address in EBX.

Clearly, we are defining the width of data to move.

Now consider this:

movdqu        qword ptr [rcx], xmm0

This is moving 128 bits, but we don't write movdqu dqword. In fact, movdqu dword ptr produces the same results.

Why do the semantics change with the SSE op?


  • With MASM(32 bit, but however) these two lines are rejected as an error.

    movdqu        qword ptr [ecx], xmm0
    movdqu        [ecx], xmm0             
    test.asm(121) : error A2022:instruction operands must be the same size

    These two are accepted:

    movdqu oword ptr [ecx], xmm0    ; explicit 128bit
    movdqu xmmword ptr [ecx], xmm0  ; explicit 128bit

    So the prefix is neccessary and the size prefix matches the 16 bytes=128 bit size of the xmm register. There are two other instructions similar to MOVZX, 32 bit and 64 bit:

    movd [ecx], xmm0            
    movd dword ptr [ecx], xmm0  ; explicit DWORD
    movq qword ptr [ecx], xmm0  ; explicit QWORD needed

    So I couldn't confirm an inconsequency in semantics - at least with MASM.