I want to write a series of code (it may be func, loop or etc.) to get first 6 chars of each list of every list.
It looks like this: http://www.mackolik.com/AjaxHandlers/FixtureHandler.aspx?command=getMatches&id=3170&week=1
this is the first list of my list, second can be found here: week=2.
It goes through 11.
In addition to this, each list element of my list differentiates.
Can you help me or give an idea to deal with.
It looks like you you have a wretched multi-level data-in-string-in-list-of-list structure:
data = [
["[[342212,'21/02',,'MS'], [342276,'21/02',,'MS']]"],
and you want to collect [342212, 342276, 342246]
To do this properly you pretty much have to parse each string to an actual data structure; this is complicated by the fact that consecutive commas (,,
) are not valid Python syntax
import ast
def fix_string(s):
# '[,,,]'
s = s.replace("[,", "[None,") # '[None,,,]'
s = s.replace(",,", ", None,") # '[None, None,,]'
s = s.replace(",,", ", None,") # '[None, None, None,]'
s = s.replace(",]", ", None]") # '[None, None, None, None]'
return s
data = [ast.literal_eval(fix_string(s)) for row in data for s in row]
which gives us
data = [
[342212,'21/02', None, 'MS'],
[342276,'21/02', None, 'MS']
[342246,'21/02', None, 'MS']
then you can collect values like
ids = [item[0] for batch in data for item in batch]