I'm trying to get my head around volume rendering using three.js and ray marching GLSL. I've got some data I synthesised from a numpy array.
The cube of data being rendered is more opaque on one side, graduating to being transparent on the other side - like this (ignore the wire frame, that's just for a bit of orientation)
however, when you look at the cube from the more transparent end, the transparency seems to "block out" the less transparent end (hope that makes sense). Like this:
I don't know if this is related, but I also have a problem that when the camera is slightly inside the cube, it stops rendering properly. It cuts off the bit nearest to the camera, like this:
Is this a related issue, or is it just a limitation of the method.
The code is here https://github.com/niallrobinson/test-volume-rendering/blob/master/viewer.htmlhttps://github.com/niallrobinson/test-volume-rendering/blob/master/viewer.js https://github.com/niallrobinson/test-volume-rendering/blob/master/viewer.html
and the second pass shaders look like this:
<script id="vertexShaderFirstPass" type="x-shader/x-vertex">
varying vec3 worldSpaceCoords;
void main(){
//Set the world space coordinates of the back faces vertices as output.
worldSpaceCoords = position + vec3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5); //move it from [-0.5;0.5] to [0,1]
gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4( position, 1.0 );
<script id="fragmentShaderFirstPass" type="x-shader/x-fragment">
varying vec3 worldSpaceCoords;
void main(){
//The fragment's world space coordinates as fragment output.
gl_FragColor = vec4( worldSpaceCoords.x , worldSpaceCoords.y, worldSpaceCoords.z, 1 );
<!-- second pass shaders -->
<script id="vertexShaderSecondPass" type="x-shader/x-vertex">
varying vec3 worldSpaceCoords;
varying vec4 projectedCoords;
void main()
worldSpaceCoords = (modelMatrix * vec4(position + vec3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), 1.0 )).xyz;
gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4( position, 1.0 );
projectedCoords = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4( position, 1.0 );
<script id="fragmentShaderSecondPass" type="x-shader/x-fragment">
varying vec3 worldSpaceCoords;
varying vec4 projectedCoords;
uniform sampler2D firstPassTexture, dataTexture; //i.e. tex and cubeTex
uniform float steps;
uniform float alphaCorrection;
const int MAX_STEPS = 512;
vec3 dataDims = vec3(4, 4, 4);
vec4 sampleAs3DTexture(sampler2D tex, vec3 pos) {
// pos is in UV coords i.e. 0->1. We also want to interrogate out texture in the range 0->1
// however, our 3D dimensions are conceptually 4,4,4
float nTiles = dataDims.z;
float tileWidth = 1.0 / nTiles;
float p = pos.y * tileWidth + pos.x / nTiles;
float q = pos.z;
lowp vec4 sample = texture2D(tex, vec2(p, q)); //I think this fn might convert from 255 range to 0->1 range
vec4 returnSample = vec4(0.7, 0., 0., sample.x * alphaCorrection); // alpha is 255 in png so overwrite
return returnSample;
// max 2d size is 4096 x 4096
void main( void ) {
//Transform the coordinates it from [-1;1] to [0;1]
vec2 firstPassTexCoord = vec2(((projectedCoords.x / projectedCoords.w) + 1.0 ) / 2.0,
((projectedCoords.y / projectedCoords.w) + 1.0 ) / 2.0 );
//The back position is the world space position stored in the texture.
vec3 backPos = texture2D(firstPassTexture, firstPassTexCoord).xyz;
//The front position is the world space position of the second render pass.
vec3 frontPos = worldSpaceCoords;
//The direction from the front position to back position.
vec3 dir = backPos - frontPos;
float rayLength = length(dir);
//Calculate how long to increment in each step.
float delta = 1.0 / steps;
//The increment in each direction for each step.
vec3 deltaDirection = normalize(dir) * delta;
float deltaDirectionLength = length(deltaDirection);
//Start the ray casting from the front position.
vec3 currentPosition = frontPos;
//The color accumulator.
vec4 accumulatedColor = vec4(0.0);
//The alpha value accumulated so far.
float accumulatedAlpha = 0.0;
//How long has the ray travelled so far.
float accumulatedLength = 0.0;
//vec4 dataSample;
vec4 dataSample;
float alphaSample;
//Perform the ray marching iterations
for(int i = 0; i < MAX_STEPS; i++){
//Get the voxel intensity value from the 3D texture.
dataSample = sampleAs3DTexture(dataTexture, currentPosition);
//Allow the alpha correction customization
alphaSample = dataSample.a;
//Perform the composition.
accumulatedColor += (1.0 - accumulatedAlpha) * dataSample * alphaSample;
//accumulatedColor += dataSample;
//Store the alpha accumulated so far.
accumulatedAlpha += alphaSample;
//Advance the ray.
currentPosition += deltaDirection;
accumulatedLength += deltaDirectionLength;
//If the length traversed is more than the ray length, or if the alpha accumulated reaches 1.0 then exit.
if(accumulatedLength >= rayLength || accumulatedAlpha >= 1.0 )
gl_FragColor = accumulatedColor;
Thanks in advance everyone
EDIT: After a bit of experimentation, it seems that the problem is that only the outside of the cube is being rendered. If I put a blob of data in the middle of the cube, you don't see anything.
EDIT: Infact, its only rendering data on the frontside surface. If I reverse the ray marching direction (i.e. change it to towards the camera), you can only view it on the backside surface
Think its sorted! The data returned from the tex lookup was a vec4. That was then being used to increment accumulatedColor
. I changed accumulatedColor
to a vec3 and only incremented it by .xyz
and that seemed to do the trick
Thanks to everyone who took a look