This app I have been building runs on iPad and I have been testing it on iOS8.1 using XCode 6.1.1. I am having a problem where I try extract records by comparing the date of a record in milliseconds. The records are stored using CoreData.
The firstDate of a record is declared as follows
record.firstDate = [NSNumber numberWithLongLong:1423288915464];
The firstDate is declared in the .h file of the record in this way:
@property (nonatomic, retain) NSNumber * firstDate;
The predicate is declared this way:
NSNumber* prevStartMillis = [NSNumber numberWithLongLong:1423324800000];
NSNumber* prevEndMillis = [NSNumber numberWithLongLong:1423411199000];
NSPredicate* predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"firstDate >= %lld AND firstDate < %lld", [prevStartMillis longLongValue], prevEndMillis longLongValue]];
I did get some of the records with firstDate that falls within the specified range. However, I get a few records that do not fall within the specified range like these 3 of the many:
Previously I had a similar problem on another app for iPhone 6 iOS8.1 using XCode 6.1.1 as well. I was able to solve it by declaring the predicates with %lld for long long values. However, when I use the same code, it fails on iPad. Does anyone know what is it that I did wrong? Thanks in advance!
EDIT 1: Workaround
I have a workaround (though not very efficient). Here is the code snippet after I extract the records if anyone is wondering:
NSMutableArray* validRecords = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
for(Record* record in results) {
if([record.firstDate longLongValue] >= [prevStartMillis longLongValue] && [record.firstDate longLongValue] <= [prevEndMillis longLongValue])
[validRecords addObject:record];
You don't have to extract long
from NSNumber
like you do.
You can use NSNumber objects explicitly to create predicate
NSNumber* prevStartMillis = [NSNumber numberWithLongLong:1423324800000];
NSNumber* prevEndMillis = [NSNumber numberWithLongLong:1423411199000];
NSPredicate* predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"firstDate >= %@ AND firstDate < %@", prevStartMillis, prevEndMillis];
EDITED: I've reviewed your code again and figured out that numbers that you had wrote are out of your range. Just let's write your long numbers in shorter manner:
NSNumber* prevStartMillis = /*14233e+8*/;
NSNumber* prevEndMillis = /*14234e+8*/;
and this numbers are out of range:
So now it's easy to notice that this numbers are 'a bit' smaller to satisfy you condition