
Is it possible to get the mountpoint of a pendrive knowing its serialnumber using python?

I have 2 PC's(a Linux and a Windows) connected to a local network which is on a different floor. People on that floor connect their USB Pen-drives to either one of the PC and I am suppose to copy different specific set of files to different people.


So to reduce the total time consumed, i connected USB hubs on both the systems to make multiple insert of pen-drive's in a given time. And here comes the problem, decide which device belonged to whom.

Question : Is it possible to find the mount point of a pen-drive from the SerialNumber using python ? (it would be great if its python, since the main program is written in python)

The reason i am considering SerialNumber over,

I tried wmi for windows.. and got this code from SO,(Sorry i don't have the link. Took it long back)

import win32com.client

wmi = win32com.client.GetObject ("winmgmts:")
for usb in wmi.InstancesOf ("Win32_USBHub"):
    print usb.DeviceID

the output i get is


its the similar case in linux, all i able to get is serialnumber, using usb-devices. But unable to get its corresponding mount-point

Any Ideas please...


  • To do that on Linux you will need to parse /proc/mounts to determine mapping of device names to mountpoints, i.e. /dev/sdc2 -> /var/run/media/myaut/hyperx.

    The trick is to find out what device name has required serial number. Easiest approach to do so is to use udev - it uses serial when generates symlinks in /dev/disk/by-id:

    /dev/disk/by-id/usb-Generic_Flash_Disk_12345678-0:0 -> ../../sdd

    But we didn't seek for easiest solutions, are we? The trick is that udev rules may be altered, and sysfs (which come from kernel) is more reliable. I implemented a script that does that:

    import os
    import sys
    import glob
    SYS_USB_DEVICES = '/sys/bus/usb/devices'
    SYS_BLOCK_DEVICES = '/sys/class/block'
        serial = sys.argv[1]
    except IndexError:
        print >> sys.stderr, "Usage: SERIAL"
    # PASS 1 Find USB node with corresponding to serial
    for usbid in os.listdir(SYS_USB_DEVICES):
        usbserpath = os.path.join(SYS_USB_DEVICES, usbid, 'serial')    
        if not os.path.exists(usbserpath):
        with open(usbserpath) as f:
            usb_serial =
        if serial == usb_serial:
            # Found it!
        print >> sys.stderr, "Cannot find usb device with serial {0}".format(serial)
    # Find SCSI ids corresponding to this device
    # I didn't check SYSFS documentation, but tested it on openSUSE 13.1
    # The form of path is:
    # We need only basename
    devs = glob.glob(os.path.join(SYS_USB_DEVICES, usbid, 
    devs = map(os.path.basename, devs)
    # PASS 2 - find mountpoints for devices with SCSI ids we discover earlier
    # Parse mountpoint formatted as "/dev/... /path/to/mntpt ..." 
    def parse_mntpt(line):
        dev, mntpt, _ = line.split(None, 2)
        dev = os.path.basename(dev)
        return dev, mntpt
    mntpts = {}
    with open('/proc/mounts') as f:
        mntpts = dict(map(parse_mntpt, f.readlines()))
    # List of ('scsi id', 'dev name', 'mnt pt (if exists)')
    devlist = []
    def create_dev(scsiid, devname):
        global mntpts
        devlist.append((scsiid, devname, mntpts.get(devname)))
    for devname in os.listdir(SYS_BLOCK_DEVICES):
        devpath = os.path.join(SYS_BLOCK_DEVICES, devname)
        devlink = os.path.join(devpath, 'device')
        # Node is "virtual", i.e. partition, ignore it
        if not os.path.islink(devlink):
        scsiid = os.path.basename(os.readlink(devlink))    
        if scsiid not in devs:
        create_dev(scsiid, devname)
        # Find partition names
        parts = glob.glob(os.path.join(devpath, '*/partition'))
        for partpath in parts:
            partname = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(partpath))
            create_dev(scsiid, partname)
    # END - print results
    fmtstr = '{0:8} {1:5} {2}'
    print fmtstr.format('SCSI ID', 'DEV', 'MOUNT POINT')
    for scsiid, devname, mntpt in devlist:
        print fmtstr.format(scsiid, devname, mntpt)

    Here is example output:

    $ python 12345678
    8:0:0:0  sdd   None
    8:0:0:0  sdd1  /var/run/media/myaut/Debian\040wheezy\04020140723-17:30
    8:0:0:0  sdd2  None
    8:0:0:0  sdd5  None
    8:0:0:1  sr0   None

    I can't say that on Windows that would be easy. I have a code (in C/WinAPI) that able to collect all disk devices from system, but it's logic is far away from filesystems representation, so I still didn't find a solution for that.

    Complexity of Windows come from that:

    Of course linking that three layers is not obvious (there is approach to match partitions by their size/offset, but that is crazy). I'm still scared to implement it in my library :(