I'm using Preon Binding for reading a stream of incoming binary data.
The problem we are having is that certain field values require some simple arithmetic for their proper representation, as our "data documentation" says:
Can Preon support such arithmetic upon binding, or do I have to specifically do it after decoding (which renders the decoded DTO values non-consistent)?
Other fields (latPositive and lngPositive) provide the math sign (either negative or positive) for their corresponding values (lat and lng fields), I think this could also be supported just by multiplying by -1 in the negative cases, but that would only be possible if some kind of arithmetic is actually supported by Preon.
Mapping basically as follows:
// ok
@BoundString(size = "1")
private String start;
// ??
@BoundNumber(size = "8")
private short size;
// ok
@BoundNumber(size = "8")
private short header;
// ok
@BoundNumber(size = "56", byteOrder = ByteOrder.BigEndian)
private long imei;
// ok
@BoundNumber(size = "8")
private short mask;
// ok
@BoundNumber(size = "5", byteOrder = ByteOrder.BigEndian)
private short day;
// ok
@BoundNumber(size = "4", byteOrder = ByteOrder.BigEndian)
private short month;
// ok
@BoundNumber(size = "5", byteOrder = ByteOrder.BigEndian)
private short year;
// ok
@BoundNumber(size = "5", byteOrder = ByteOrder.BigEndian)
private short hour;
// ok
@BoundNumber(size = "6", byteOrder = ByteOrder.BigEndian)
private short minute;
// ok
@BoundNumber(size = "6", byteOrder = ByteOrder.BigEndian)
private short second;
private boolean latPositive;
@BoundNumber(size = "27", byteOrder = ByteOrder.BigEndian)
private int lat;
private boolean lngPositive;
@BoundNumber(size = "28", byteOrder = ByteOrder.BigEndian)
private int lng;
// ok
@BoundNumber(size = "8", byteOrder = ByteOrder.BigEndian)
private int speed;
@BoundNumber(size = "7", byteOrder = ByteOrder.BigEndian)
private int direction;
// ok
private boolean gpsFix;
// ok
@BoundNumber(size = "13", byteOrder = ByteOrder.BigEndian)
private int altitude;
// ok
@BoundNumber(size = "20", byteOrder = ByteOrder.BigEndian)
private int odometer;
// ok
@BoundNumber(size = "8", byteOrder = ByteOrder.BigEndian)
private int batteryLevel;
PS: Is there a Preon users mailing list available?
This might be too late, but I've been digging into preon lately, so there seem to be two possibilities I've seen in preon:
a) Use the @Init annotation to specify the transformations to be done in code, e.g.
public static class Blah {
@BoundNumber(size="32", byteOrder = ByteOrder.BigEndian)
private int size;
public void go() {
size = size * 3;
b) Create a CodecDecorator (I would copy something like InitCodecDecorator to start) that understands how to perform arithmetic, add the right annotations and add it to the decoder like so: http://technofovea.com/blog/archives/850
Or simply add getters and setters that understand the binary contract;