I am new to awk and need to compare the number of lines of two files. The script shall return true,
if lines(f1) == (lines(f2)+1)
otherwise false. How can I do that?
Best regards
If it has to be awk
awk 'NR==FNR{x++} END{ if(x!=FNR){exit 1} }' file1 file2
The varibale x
is incremented and contains the number of line of file1
and FNR contains the number of file2
. At the end, both are compared and the script is exited 0 or 1.
See an example:
user@host:~$ awk 'NR==FNR{x++} END{ if(x!=FNR){exit 1} }' shortfile longfile
user@host:~$ echo $?
user@host:~$ awk 'NR==FNR{x++} END{ if(x!=FNR){exit 1} }' samefile samefile
user@host:~$ echo $?