
Adding my first pod

So I used the treehouse tutorial and for the first time, adding a podfile was super easy. That so far has been the easiest part. Now when I try to open my workspace file. I can see the pod and all the different Obj classes. But when I run the project I get 33 brand new errors I have never seen before. I tweet this to someone because they asked if I had errors or warnings but they were indeed errors. They were not present in the actual project but they are in the workspace. Here's the tweet I sent out with the screenshot. I was also adding the JSQMessagesViewController library from GitHub using this in my Podfile

pod 'JSQMessagesViewController'

Missing frameworks and libs

Screenshot from Twitter

Edit: By removing the ParseCrashReporting.framework from the original project it removed 32 errors. The last one is this

ld: 91 duplicate symbols for architecture arm64


  • According to the issue list of JSQMessagesViewController, this issue (duplicate symbol) occurs when using it in parallel with Parse. Did you remove all frameworks related to Parse (Bolts, ..)?