
How do I store my Log into Azure table storage I used Semantic Logging

For application logging I have used Semantic Logging but I want to save logging into Azure table storage, now I just displayed it on Console.

static void Main(string[] args)

            //create a listner and subscribe to event source
            var listener1 = ConsoleLog.CreateListener();
            MyEventSource Log = new MyEventSource();
            listener1.EnableEvents(Log , EventLevel.Verbose);

            Log.ApplicationStart("Start console", "user 1");

            var ordersProcessed = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("Order no {0} is processed " , ordersProcessed);
            Log.ApplicationEnd("Finished", ordersProcessed);



class MyEventSource : EventSource

        [Event(100,Message="Application Started..")]
        public void ApplicationStart(string startMessage, string userName)
            if (this.IsEnabled()) //helps to avoid processing events that no listeners have been configure for
                WriteEvent(100, startMessage, this.MyUtilityMethod(userName));                

        [Event(500, Message = "Application Ended..")]
        public void ApplicationEnd(string endMessage, int ordersProcessed)
            if (this.IsEnabled()) //helps to avoid processing events that no listeners have been configure for
                WriteEvent(500, endMessage, ordersProcessed);   

        //demonstrate method which are not part of EventSource contract
        private string MyUtilityMethod(string userName)
            return string.Format("User {0} " , userName);


How can I save log into Azure table storage?


  • I think this blog post might help -