I want to make a guided tour of my app on the first launch, but not a separated guided tour where I show images of the app. I'd like to have multiple chat-bubbles just like this one:
And when I click somewhere on the screen, the next one pops up. I haven't found a single tutorial for this on the web, so maybe I'm just not using the right keywords... Anyways, thanks a lot !
You can use an Int e.g. int firstLaunch
and save it with NSUserDefaults to detect first launch. Then add a view to the UIView in the story board and make it fill the Application screen and give it a grey color and and transparency.
Then add the images of the bubble in the position you want them in the view.
Below would go in the ViewDidLoad:
firstLaunch = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] integerForKey:@"FirstLaunch"];
if (firstLaunch == 0) {
firstLaunch = 1;
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setInteger:firstLaunch forKey:@"FirstLaunch"];
ViewName.hidden = NO;
bubble1Image.hidden = NO;