$scope.submitTheForm = function(htmlcode){
var idOfForm = "formOfCalCPDF";
var dataPassed = $.param({'htmlcode':htmlcode,'mode':'getpdf'});
alert("coming here");
url: 'ggs.erm.payrollJava.Taxsummary',
type: "POST",
data: dataPassed,
error:function (){},
success: function (data){}
When ever I call this function , although alert is executing,but not POST request, do you see any kind of problem with it?
You forgot id
selector try this:-
$scope.submitTheForm = function(htmlcode){
var idOfForm = "formOfCalCPDF";
var dataPassed = $.param({'htmlcode':htmlcode,'mode':'getpdf'});
alert("coming here");
url: 'ggs.erm.payrollJava.Taxsummary',
type: "POST",
data: dataPassed,
error:function (){},
success: function (data){}