I have the following scenario (Domain classes)
class Request {
String title
List statusUpdates
static hasMany = [statusUpdates: StatusUpdate]
class StatusUpdate {
Date dateCreated
String statusFrom
String statusTo
String notes
static belongsTo = Request
I am currently using createCriteria
to implement filtering and basic sorting of Request.
Now I want to get a list of Request
s starting from the most recently updated (ordered by the value of the field dateCreated
of the last
for the Request
Any hint?
assuming that every Request has at least one StatusUpdate and slightly changing belongsTo declaration, you could go the other direction:
class StatusUpdate {
Date dateCreated
String statusFrom
String statusTo
String notes
static belongsTo = [req: Request] // I assume that naming the field "request" would cause whole bunch of weird problems, therefore "req"
StatusUpdate.createCriteria().list() {
req {
// your criteria for requests filtering
projections {
groupProperty 'req', 'reqAlias'
max 'dateCreated', 'maxDateCreatedAlias'
order 'maxDateCreatedAlias', 'desc'
}.collect { it[0] }