
How to join master table to multiple details table with extra rows of details cell filled with NULL

I am not sure how appropriate is the question title. My problem is similar to the thread How to Join Multiple Detail Tables to Header Table . But this one too giving duplicate records. Here is my situation
I have a master table and two details tables.

MasterID | Name  
-----------------------    // Master table
1          Item1
2          Item2
3          Item3
4          Item4
5          Item5


Det1ID | FKMasterID | Value 
1         1           Det1-Val1
2         1           Det1-Val2
3         2           Det1-Val3

Det2ID | FKMasterID | Value
1         1            Det2-Val1
2         1            Det2-Val2
3         1            Det2-Val3
4         3            Det2-Val4
5         5            Det2-Val5

The Tables are somewhat like this.
When I make required left-right joins , I get result in this way.

MasterID | Name   | Det1ID | Det1Value | Det2ID | Det2Value
1          Item1    1       Det1-Val1    1       Det2-Val1 
1          Item1    1       Det1-Val1    2       Det2-Val2
1          Item1    1       Det1-Val1    3      Det2-Val3
1          Item1    2       Det1-Val2    1       Det2-Val1
1          Item1    2       Det1-Val2    2       Det2-Val2
1          Item1    2       Det1-Val2    3       Det2-Val3
2          Item2    3       Det1-Val3    NULL    NULL
3          Item3    NULL    NULL         4       Det2-Val4
4          Item4    NULL    NULL         NULL    NULL
5          Item5    NULL    NULL         5       Det2-Val5

What I expect to get is

MasterID | Name   | Det1ID | Det1Value | Det2ID | Det2Value
1          Item1    1       Det1-Val1    1       Det2-Val1 
1          Item1    2       Det1-Val2    2       Det2-Val2
1          Item1    NULL    NULL         3       Det2-Val3
2          Item2    3       Det1-Val3    NULL    NULL
3          Item3    NULL    NULL         4       Det2-Val4
4          Item4    NULL    NULL         NULL    NULL
5          Item5    NULL    NULL         5       Det2-Val5

I don't want the details value to be duplicated for any of the master item.

Is there any way to do this?? only iterate with a cursor is the way?? A little help is appreciated.

Thank you,


  • It proved to be a bit more tricky than I initially thought, but the following should do the trick. The code should be pretty self explanatory.

    WITH [master] AS(
             (1, 'Item1')
            ,(2, 'Item2')
            ,(3, 'Item3')
            ,(4, 'Item4')
            ,(5, 'Item5')
        ) AS T(ID, Value)
    Det1 AS (
             (1, 1, 'Det1-Val1')
            ,(2, 1, 'Det1-Val2')
            ,(3, 2, 'Det1-Val3')
        ) AS T(ID, MasterID, Value)
    Det2 AS (
             (1, 1, 'Det2-Val1')
            ,(2, 1, 'Det2-Val2')
            ,(3, 1, 'Det2-Val3')
            ,(4, 3, 'Det2-Val4')
            ,(5, 5, 'Det2-Val5')
        ) AS T(ID, MasterID, Value)
    Det1Numbered AS(
        SELECT MasterID     = M.ID ,
               MasterValue  = M.Value ,
               Det1ID       = D.ID ,
               Det1Value    = D.Value, 
               RowNr        = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY M.ID ORDER BY D.ID)
        FROM  [master] AS M
            LEFT JOIN Det1 AS D
                ON M.ID = D.MasterID
    Det2Numbered AS(
        SELECT MasterID     = M.ID ,
               MasterValue  = M.Value ,
               Det2ID       = D.ID ,
               Det2Value    = D.Value, 
               RowNr        = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY M.ID ORDER BY D.ID)
        FROM  [master] AS M
            LEFT JOIN Det2 AS D
                ON M.ID = D.MasterID
    SELECT MasterID         = COALESCE(D1.MasterID, D2.MasterID),
           MasterValue      = COALESCE(D1.MasterValue, D2.MasterValue),
           D1.Det1ID ,
           D1.Det1Value ,
           D2.Det2ID ,
    FROM Det1Numbered AS D1
        FULL JOIN Det2Numbered AS D2
            ON D1.MasterID = D2.MasterID
            AND D2.RowNr = D1.RowNr
    ORDER BY MasterID

    Edit: There indeed was a little bug in there, I've updated the query above. The fix is to replace PARTITION BY D.MasterID by PARTITION BY M.ID, now RowNr starts at 1 for each master record which it did not in the previous revision.