
Spinner Error "Spinner adapter view type count must be 1"

I am using in my application when I use ParseQueryAdapter in fragment to retrieve data and pass to a spinner an error as

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Spinner adapter view type count must be 1

and application stops. However if I try ArrayAdapter it works. What could be the problem?

ParseQueryAdapter Code:

ParseQueryAdapter.QueryFactory<ParseObject> spnQuery=
            new ParseQueryAdapter.QueryFactory<ParseObject>() {
                public ParseQuery create() {
                    ParseQuery query = new ParseQuery(tableName);
                    return query;
    ParseQueryAdapter<ParseObject> adapter = new ParseQueryAdapter<ParseObject>(getActivity().getApplicationContext(), spnQuery);


  • ParseQueryAdapter might be using SpinnerAdapter underneath.

    One way to solve this issue is to lower your targetSdkVersion. This error is being reported for targetSdkVersion of 21.

    Please see here :

    A long term solution is to fix the implementation of the adapter, which is not possible for your case until Parse team decides to fix it.

    I had the same issue with SpinnerAdapter and got it working without peripheral damage using targetSdkVersion 19. Hope it helps!