
Run eval `ssh-agent -s` gives errors

Trying to run the command eval `ssh-agent -s with the command option puppet which gives me these error:

exec { 'eval' :
        command => "eval `ssh-agent -s`",

Gives me this error:

Error: Validation of Exec[eval] failed: 'eval `ssh-agent -s`' is not qualified and no path was specified. Please qualify the command or specify a path. at /puppet.pp:18
    Wrapped exception:
'eval `ssh-agent -s`' is not qualified and no path was specified. Please qualify the command or specify a path.


  • You need to setup PATH for you exec. I can be defined locally, by setting path parameter :

    exec { 'eval' :
            command => "eval `ssh-agent -s`",
            path => [ '/bin/', '/sbin/' , '/usr/bin/', '/usr/sbin/' ],

    or globally:

    Exec { path => [ '/bin/', '/sbin/' , '/usr/bin/', '/usr/sbin/' ] }