
Where can I find the source code for log4j's ZeroConfSocketHubAppender?

I'm looking for a way to make log4net support zeroconf to publish logs to Apache Chainsaw (see here: Does log4net support zeroconf?). Apparently log4j can already do this using a ZeroConfSocketHubAppender.

Where might I be able to view the source for the java ZeroConfSocketHubAppender? I've looked both in the Apache Chainsaw and in the Log4j repositories but was unsuccessful.


  • ZeroConf is a log4j 'companion', but ZeroConfSocketHubAppender (and this companion) is no longer necessary due to the fact that most network-based appenders in log4j have ZeroConf support built-in as of log4j 1.2.16.

    All you need to do to enable ZeroConf is add jmdns.jar to your classpath and set the 'advertiseViaMulticastDNS' param to 'true' in the appender configuration.

    Here's the commit & log info describing the changes which improved ZeroConf support in the appenders (and receivers): http://svn.apache.org/viewvc?view=revision&revision=924176

    Here is a link to the ZeroConf page if you still want to use that http://logging.apache.org/log4j/companions/zeroconf/source-repository.html

    By the way, the svn HEAD revision of Chainsaw (which should be released soon) includes support for using the advertised ZeroConf appender information to automatically create receivers.