
how to store access token for facebook in social auth

I am using social auth for integration of social app like facebook, google and many more. I successfully authorized and access token is printed in logcat but i want to store them for send to api.

class SignUp extends Activity
  SocialAuthAdapter adapter;
  public void onCreate(Bundle SavedBundleInstanceState )
   adapter = new SocialAuthAdapter(new ResponseListener());


By This code i get the access token in logcat but dont know how to store it.


  • you can go with most easiest way shared preferences .. or use session... where you can save and retrieve string with key value..

     public class SessionManager {
    // Shared Preferences
    SharedPreferences pref;
    // Editor for Shared preferences
    Editor editor;
    // Context
    Context _context;
    // Shared pref mode
    int PRIVATE_MODE = 0;
    // Sharedpref file name
    private static final String PREF_NAME = "wlm";
    // All Shared Preferences Keys
    private static final String IS_LOGIN = "IsLoggedIn";
    private static final String STATUS = "status";
    private static final String STATUS_COLOR = "status_color";
    // User name (make variable public to access from outside)
    public static final String KEY_NAME = "name";
    // Email address (make variable public to access from outside)
    public static final String KEY_EMAIL = "email";
    // Constructor
    public SessionManager(Context context){
        this._context = context;
        pref = _context.getSharedPreferences(PREF_NAME, PRIVATE_MODE);
        editor = pref.edit();
     * Create login session
     * */
    public void createLoginSession(String name, String email){
        // Storing login value as TRUE
        editor.putBoolean(IS_LOGIN, true);
        // Storing name in pref
        editor.putString(KEY_NAME, name);
        // Storing email in pref
        editor.putString(KEY_EMAIL, email);
        // commit changes
     * Check login method wil check user login status
     * If false it will redirect user to login page
     * Else won't do anything
     * */
    public void checkLogin(){
        // Check login status
            // user is not logged in redirect him to Login Activity
            //           Intent i = new Intent(_context, LoginScreen.class);
            //           // Closing all the Activities
            //           i.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP);
            //           // Add new Flag to start new Activity
            //           i.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK);
            //           // Staring Login Activity
            //           _context.startActivity(i);
     * Get stored session data
     * */
    public HashMap<String, String> getUserDetails(){
        HashMap<String, String> user = new HashMap<String, String>();
        // user name
        user.put(KEY_NAME, pref.getString(KEY_NAME, null));
        // user email id
        user.put(KEY_EMAIL, pref.getString(KEY_EMAIL, null));
        // return user
        return user;
     * Clear session details
     * */
    public void logoutUser(){
        // Clearing all data from Shared Preferences
        // After logout redirect user to Loing Activity
        //       Intent i = new Intent(_context, LoginScreen.class);
        //       // Closing all the Activities
        //       i.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP);
        //       // Add new Flag to start new Activity
        //       i.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK);
        //       // Staring Login Activity
        //       _context.startActivity(i);
     * Quick check for login
     * **/
    // Get Login State
    public boolean isLoggedIn(){
        return pref.getBoolean(IS_LOGIN, false);


    in you activity you can store you string with

    session.editor.putInt("your key", YourString);

    and retrieve with

    String str = session.pref.getString("your key", "");

    also define key for every entry in SessionManager like

     private static final String ANY_NAME= "your key";