
Using Model to establish inner join between tables

I'm trying to set up a relationship between two tables, articles and categories. It is a 1-to-1 relationship where articles.category_id = I have the following set up.


<cfcomponent extends="Controller">

    <cffunction name="index">

        <cfset qFeaturedArticles = model("articles").findAll(
            where="show_homepage = 1",
        ) />




<cfcomponent extends="Model">

    <cffunction name="init">
        <cfset hasOne("articles", foreignKey="category_id") />



<cfcomponent extends="Model">

   <cffunction name="init">
    <cfset belongsTo("categories", dependent="nullify") />


This is the error I am getting.

Invalid CFML construct found on line 4 at column 49.ColdFusion was looking at the following text:


The CFML compiler was processing:

The specific sequence of files included or processed is: \cfusion\wwwroot\foo\index.cfm, line: 4


  • First of all I would like to point to categories.cfc model. If you are specifying hasOne relationship then in that case the code should look like as follows:

    <cfset hasOne("article", foreignKey="category_id") />

    Note that instead of articles you need to put article in case of hasOne.

    But, literally speaking, the relation between categories and articles should be one to many. I mean a category can have many articles.

    So the categories.cfc should be written as follows:

    <cfcomponent extends="Model">
    <cffunction name="init">
        <cfset hasMany("articles", foreignKey="category_id") />