
Spring - Programmatically generate a set of beans

I have a Dropwizard application that needs to generate a dozen or so beans for each of the configs in a configuration list. Things like health checks, quartz schedulers, etc.

Something like this:

class MyModule {
    private MyConfiguration configuration;

    public QuartzModule quartzModule() {
        return new QuartzModule(quartzConfiguration());

    public QuartzConfiguration quartzConfiguration() {
        return this.configuration.getQuartzConfiguration();

    public HealthCheck healthCheck() throws SchedulerException {
        return this.quartzModule().quartzHealthCheck();

I have multiple instances of MyConfiguration that all need beans like this. Right now I have to copy and paste these definitions and rename them for each new configuration.

Can I somehow iterate over my configuration classes and generate a set of bean definitions for each one?

I would be fine with a subclassing solution or anything that is type safe without making me copy and paste the same code and rename the methods ever time I have to add a new service.

EDIT: I should add that I have other components that depend on these beans (they inject Collection<HealthCheck> for example.)


  • The "best" approach I could come up with was to wrap all of my Quartz configuration and schedulers in 1 uber bean and wire it all up manually, then refactor the code to work with the uber bean interface.

    The uber bean creates all the objects that I need in its PostConstruct, and implements ApplicationContextAware so it can auto-wire them. It's not ideal, but it was the best I could come up with.

    Spring simply does not have a good way to dynamically add beans in a typesafe way.