I need to create a generated png based chart file with plot labels with the numeric value as you see in the example below. I am on Coldfusion 10 so this is using the newer ZingChart engine. The example you see was made by ZingChart Builder.
BTW, I can draw a basic chart to a png file and retrieve it, and see it! I can get my X and Y stuff right. I can get my series presented in a legend, I can do basic positioning stuff, I can do different chart types. I can't seem do anything with the json override stuff especially plot bar labels.
The code that I am providing is from an example I scoured from the interwebs to test with ...but it should fail nicely (just like my whole day).
legend = {
"position":"100% 0%",
type ="bar";
plot = {
title="Super fun time!"
<cfchartseries seriescolor="red" seriesLabel="SeriesA" >
<cfloop from="1" to="10" index="i">
<cfchartdata item="" value="#randRange( 5, 100 )#">
<cfchartseries seriescolor="green" seriesLabel="SeriesB" >
<cfloop from="1" to="10" index="i">
<cfchartdata item="" value="#randRange( 5, 100 )#">
<cfchartseries seriescolor="blue" seriesLabel="SeriesC" >
<cfloop from="1" to="10" index="i">
<cfchartdata item="" value="#randRange( 5, 100 )#">
<cfset savedFile = getTempFile("/dynamic/coldfusion/temp/", "moreComplexThanChineseArithmetic") & ".png" />
<cfset fileWrite(savedFile, moreComplexThanChineseArithmetic) />
<img src="<cfoutput>#savedFile#</cfoutput>" />
I am in a clustered environment, these charts don't serve HTML, hence the png workaround. Plus I have to have it as in image because images scale and I can export to a PDF and it looks right and the server renders and shoots it to the client so I have very little client-side delays.
Now. There are variable replacements in the #plot#, etc... as you can see above (I have not seen 'any' of that json stuff work that I have tried (all day) (so many different ways/combos to make something happen). It either fails with and error (because I made a mistake), or it does nothing (which is amazingly awesome).
There could be problems with that json stuff above, but I again, I overwrote change after change with new json attempts, inline json too, simplified too, etc.
What I believe should happen is that the plot value:box text: v% should (by fairy magic) return whatever the value is in the chartdata value parameter as a nice number above or below the bar (or so I would expect), but it doesn't do anything, so I cannot test my expectations.
Let me know if more details are needed...
PS and FYI: I can't work on other charting packages.
Well all you have to do is go to bed totally defeated to fight another day.
Here is the solution (its attached to the chartseries
container). >>>> datalabelstyle="value"
seriesLabel="SeriesC" >
<cfloop from="1" to="10" index="i">
<cfchartdata item="" value="#randRange( 5, 100 )#">
More importantly. JSON stuff only works with format="html"
...It doesn't work with format="png"
. format="png"
doesn't use zingcharts, it falls back to the webcharts3D engine. Coldfusion 10 has two charting engines. I hope this helps someone else who falls into this weirdness. Also, for Coldfusion 11, webcharts3d can work. There is a bug discussion that sheds more light on what to do.