
Insert sibling item to Angular-UI-tree

I need to insert a sibling item to tree on click in angular-ui-tree (

it means I have:

<item><input value"item A #1"><button>insert under</button></item>
<item><input value"item B #2"><button>insert under</button></item>
<item><input value"item C #3"><button>insert under</button></item>
<item><input value"item D #4"><button>insert under</button></item>

when I click in Item C "insert under" I need to add new item between Item B and Item C - and focus this new item's input.

How to do that?

Thank you a lot!


  • you made it more complicated for yourself by not providing exact sample of your data and html, so I made only generic solution but should help you.

    1) how to make "add below" button

    ui-tree only does render your tree model. So as is natural in angular, only thing you need to do is to alter the data in the way you want - add node under some other.

    So you only need to get array of sibling nodes and current index. Index is available in $index since ui-tree uses standart ngRepeat. More tricky is to get the array of siblings. Quick look at documentation reveal $parentNodesScope is scope of tree-nodes (ie siblings container) and this scope then contains $modelValue which is, guess, siblings array. So this does the job:

    <button ng-click='$parentNodesScope.$modelValue.splice($index+1,0,{value:"New",nodes:[]})'>Add below</button>

    Note that {value:"New",nodes:[]} is what will be added, change it to what data structure you have.

    2) how to make input of added node focused

    There is lot of info on how to focus inputs in agular, for example here How to set focus on input field?

    I like this answer most and it works. It basically focus all elements when they are insterted to DOM - so also when ui-tree re-render the tree with new nodes. Drawback is that after first page load, the last node will be focused, but it's now up to you to deal with it.

    You can find whole demo here: