
Angular ui-tree and accept callback for restricting nodes?

I'm using :

I want to accept:

  1. Categories to root scope of ui-tree
  2. apps to the apps of same categories.

enter image description here

My controller is (partial):

//Accept Categories at root scope and accept apps only inside same category

$scope.options = {

    accept: function(sourceNodeScope, destNodesScope, destIndex) {
        //todo check nodes and return
        return false;
    dropped: function(event) {

    beforeDrop: function(event) {



My HTML is:

    <div ng-controller="CpoTreeViewCtrl">


<script type="text/ng-template" id="apps_renderer.html">
  <div ui-tree-handle>

<script type="text/ng-template" id="category_renderer.html">
  <div ui-tree-handle >
  <ol ui-tree-nodes ng-model="category.apps">
    <li ng-repeat="app in category.apps" ui-tree-node ng-include="'apps_renderer.html'">

<div ui-tree="options">
  <ol ui-tree-nodes ng-model="treeData" id="tree-root">
    <li ng-repeat="category in treeData" ui-tree-node ng-include="'category_renderer.html'"></li>



I want to accept:

  1. Categories to root scope of ui-tree
  2. apps to the apps of same categories.

The accept callback is not getting fired. What's not right here?



  • The API of this awesome package is updated and same was not available in doc/demo.

    Details :

    Quick Fix :

    <div ui-tree="options">

    should be replaced with

    <div ui-tree callbacks="options">

    Update (with thanks to @zach-l)

    After v2.8.0 you need to switch back to

    <div ui-tree="options">