I'm trying to rewrite my old player from Objective-C to Swift (by memory) and got in trouble. I've got array of songs like this
let query = MPMediaQuery.songsQuery()
query.groupingType = MPMediaGrouping.Title
songsArray = query.collections
Next in my table view I'm trying to get the name of each media item to put in the cell.textLabel
. Like this:
var mediaItem = songsArray.objectAtIndex(indexPath.row)
var title = mediaItem.valueForProperty(MPMediaItemPropertyTitle)
But I'm not getting MPMediaItems, I'm getting the collection of items. So how can I take MPMediaItem from array of MPMediaItemCollections and get the title?
If you want to use the collection grouping of the media items and get information about the group of tracks within them, you can access a MPMediaItem representative of the contents of a collection through MPMediaItemCollection's representativeItem
let collection = songsArray.objectAtIndex(indexPath.row) as! MPMediaItemCollection
let representativeItem = collection.representativeItem
let title = representativeItem.title
Side note, if you'd rather deal with an array of MPMediaItems, you may want to consider using MPMediaQuery's items
property rather than its collections