
How to configure grails 2.4 with AngularJS and not using plugins

How do I configure a grails2.4 application (asset pipeline) with Angular js. (without using any plugins)

So far, this is what I have and it doesnt seem to work.

I put angular.min.js in the folder grails-app/assets/javascripts and I did this in the gsp

`<asset:javascript src="angular.min.js" />
<asset:javascript src="ui-bootstrap-tpls-0.9.0.min.js" />` 


`<html ng-app="VTPaceApp" novalidate>` 

when I did this {{ "Your's," + " truly" }}, I dont see any angular effect.
I've also tried putting //= require /angular/angular in application.js and that did not work either.



  • I got it to working. Followed this blog, so, basically, did bower install angular
    add these directives to application.js
    //= require angular/angular //= require_tree views
    add <asset:javascript src="application.js"/> to gsp

    Test using the following code in your gsp
    <div ng-app=""> <p>My first expression: {{ 5 + 5 }}</p> <p> {{"Your are " + " welcome"}}</p> </div>