I can include the full Greet.java
public class Greet {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Hello World!");
from within the asciidoc file
== Hello Java
This is how one greets in Java:
producing the documentation
But suppose that I only want to include an excerpt from the code delimited by tags. In the code above, suppose I only want to include the main
I don't see symbolic tags in the documentation, but this page suggests that it's sufficient to write
public class Greet {
// tag::helloMethod[]
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Hello World!");
// end::helloMethod[]
== Hello Java
This is how one greets in Java:
That just produces:
Can you suggest a method that would include just the excerpt? I'm using asciidoc 8.6.9.
What you're doing should work fine in Asciidoctor (the Ruby implementation of AsciiDoc), but not AsciiDoc (the Python implementation).
Notice though the different mechanism for obtaining syntax highlighting.
To get syntax highlighting with asciidoc one uses a command-line switch asciidoc -a source-highlighter=pygments file.adoc
No command-line switch is needed (or possible) with Asciidoctor. With AsciiDoctor syntax highlighting is obtained by:
:source-highlighter: pygments
at the top of each source file, andsudo gem install pygments.rb
to install pygments.