The code below draws a black background, a white box and text. However it seems that the drawing order is not determined and I sometimes have the text or the rectangle covered by the background rectangle. I'm trying to understand what the appropriate way to manage this is?
import sdl2.ext
import sdl2.sdlttf
from sdl2 import SDL_Color, SDL_Init
WHITE = SDL_Color(255, 255, 255)
class Entity(sdl2.ext.Entity):
def __init__(self, world, sprite, posx=0, posy=0):
self.sprite = sprite
self.sprite.position = posx, posy
window = sdl2.ext.Window("PySDL2", size=(320, 240))
world = sdl2.ext.World()
texture_renderer = sdl2.ext.Renderer(window)
spriterenderer = sdl2.ext.TextureSpriteRenderSystem(texture_renderer)
factory = sdl2.ext.SpriteFactory(sdl2.ext.TEXTURE, renderer=texture_renderer)
font = sdl2.sdlttf.TTF_OpenFont('resources/Helvetica.dfont',32)
text_surface = sdl2.sdlttf.TTF_RenderText_Blended(font, 'test', WHITE).contents
bg = factory.from_color(sdl2.ext.Color(0, 0, 0), size = (320,240))
Entity(world, bg, 0, 0)
c = factory.from_color(sdl2.ext.Color(255, 255, 255), size = (50,50))
Entity(world, c, 100, 100)
text_sprite = factory.from_surface(text_surface)
text_entity = Entity(world, text_sprite, 50, 50)
def run():
running = True
while running:
events = sdl2.ext.get_events()
for event in events:
if event.type == sdl2.SDL_QUIT:
running = False
The default implementation of the TextureSpriteRenderSystem
uses the depth
attribute of Sprite
object to determine the drawing order. If all sprites feature the same depth, the drawing order of them is undetermined, which results in your unwanted behaviour.
A Sprite
with a depth value of 0 will be drawn below (or prior to) a Sprite
with a higher depth value, e.g. 10. The default depth for each Sprite
being created is 0. You could set your background's and rectangle's depth
to a negative value in order to enforce the drawing order:
bg = factory.from_color(sdl2.ext.Color(0, 0, 0), size = (320,240))
bg.depth = -99 # always below everything
Entity(world, bg, 0, 0)
c = factory.from_color(sdl2.ext.Color(255, 255, 255), size = (50,50))
c.depth = -1
Entity(world, c, 100, 100)
You can read more about it in the PySDL2 sprite documentation.