I want to rerun the node server, whenever there's changes in file, but i want to use fswatch. i am using fswatch with the shell script like
nohup node server.js &
but i can't run the same script again since it will throw EADDRINUSE.
what i could think of is get pid from ps and kill it with script, but i guess there should be a better solution.
I am able to do that with the help of fswatch.
fswatch -o mydir | xargs -n1 -I{} ps | grep '[n]ode server.js$' | awk '{system("kill "$1)}'
or putting the same code in seperate shell file. and using it as
xargs -n1 './location-of-shell-file.sh'
when i run grep, that process is also included in ps, so to exclude that i had to use
grep '[n]ode server.js'