I have been playing around with trying to send an email using batch/blat.exe Sending the email is the easy part; the tricky part is sending the body as a Html message.
Set EmailBody="htmlPath\file.html"
set to=-to to@Email.com
set f=-f from@Email.com
set server=-server mail.Server1.com
set subject=-subject "Subject of Email"
set password=-pw password
set username=-u username
:: Send the email
Path\Blat.exe - %EmailBody% %to% %f% %subject% %server% %username% %password%
The html file I am using is simply:
<p>This is a Test</p><br/>with a second line
There isn't much on Blat around and the few examples I have seen aren't working for me. Can anyone show me what I'm doing wrong?
Any help greatly appreciated.
I think the issue was simply the '-' in the final line. Took that out and it started it work as expected.
Set EmailBody="htmlPath\file.html"
set to=-to to@Email.com
set f=-f from@Email.com
set server=-server mail.Server1.com
set subject=-subject "Subject of Email"
set password=-pw password
set username=-u username
:: Send the email
Path\Blat.exe %EmailBody% %to% %f% %subject% %server% %username% %password%