I'd like to extract only the month and day from a timestamp using the datetime module (not time) and then determine if it falls within a given season (fall, summer, winter, spring) based on the fixed dates of the solstices and equinoxes.
For instance, if the date falls between March 21 and June 20, it is spring. Regardless of the year. I want it to just look at the month and day and ignore the year in this calculation.
I've been running into trouble using this because the month is not being extracted properly from my data, for this reason.
if the date falls between March 21 and June 20, it is spring. Regardless of the year. I want it to just look at the month and day and ignore the year in this calculation.
#!/usr/bin/env python
from datetime import date, datetime
Y = 2000 # dummy leap year to allow input X-02-29 (leap day)
seasons = [('winter', (date(Y, 1, 1), date(Y, 3, 20))),
('spring', (date(Y, 3, 21), date(Y, 6, 20))),
('summer', (date(Y, 6, 21), date(Y, 9, 22))),
('autumn', (date(Y, 9, 23), date(Y, 12, 20))),
('winter', (date(Y, 12, 21), date(Y, 12, 31)))]
def get_season(now):
if isinstance(now, datetime):
now = now.date()
now = now.replace(year=Y)
return next(season for season, (start, end) in seasons
if start <= now <= end)
It is an extended version of @Manuel G answer to support any year.