
Zend Frameworks 1.12: how to join custom subquery table without returning results

I need to create the following query (this is just an example) using Zend Framework 1.12 as part of a larger query:

SELECT `s`.* 
FROM `s`
INNER JOIN SELECT id FROM table where id = 13 AS `t`

Here's my attempt:

$query = $this->getDbTable()->select()
        ->from($this->getDbTable(), array('*'))
        ->join(array('t' => new Zend_Db_Expr('(SELECT id FROM tables where id = 13)')), array())

However, this is the output:

SELECT `students`.*, `t`.* 
FROM `students`
INNER JOIN SELECT id FROM tables where id = 13 AS `t`

I do not require the t.* from the select since the t table will be used in other ways within the complex query.

Do you know how not to select the t.* but still have the inner join using the subquery?


  • The Zend_Db_Select->join command is build of two/three parameters.

    In your query you are missing the last parameter. If you assign another parameter to the join (see example below) you should get only the results from the table in your ->from(... part.

    ->join(array('t' => new Zend_Db_Expr('(SELECT id FROM tables where id = 13)')), array(), array())