
Parameters with rails link_to new_path remote

I have an object title with an association song

In my index of a titles, each title has a link_to button that creates a new title that I would like associated with the same song object. So it's something like this:

link_to "Add Title", new_title_path, remote: true

In the view that has the above code I have the song_id. I can display the form that gets returned when this link is clicked, I can submit the data and create the new title but how do I get the song_id into that form or into the new title?


  • Add parameter to the link, assuming song is the object

    link_to "Add Title", new_title_path(song_id: @title.song_id), remote: true

    Now in the new action

    def new
      @title = params[:song_id])

    and finally in the new.html.erb form, add a hidden field tag

    <%= f.hidden_field :song_id, @title.song_id %>

    Hope this helps!