
Programming for Java Card 3 platform in Eclipse

I've wrote programs for Java Card 2.2.2 in Eclipse using EclipseJCDE plugin and Java Card 2.2.2 Development Kit.

Now I want to write programs for my smart card that is a Java Card 3.0.1 Classic Edition, but I don't have any idea how I can do it!

Can I wrote my programs in Eclipse now or I need a new plugin?

As far as I know I must download a new development kit for this new platform. So I searched Oracle. Some where it is mentioned that :

The Java Card 3 platform consists of versions 3.0, 3.0.1 and 3.0.4 of the specifications and versions 3.0.1, 3.0.2, 3.0.3 and 3.0.4 of the development kit.

So I downloaded the Java Card 3.0.1 specification and Java Card 3.0.3 development kit. But it is not really a development kit! It is a .jar file only!

What shall I do with this .jar file? Should I import it as library in my project along with the libraries of JC 2.2.2?

Or I must copy it in the bin directory of the previous development kit?

I'm really confused about it! Should I add another plugin for Eclipse? Or I must change mu IDE?

Why JC 3.0.3 Development kit is not similar with JC 2.2.2 Development kit?

BTW, I add it to the JAR file libraries in my project, but it contains some weird classes that I didn't see them in JC 3.0.1 API Specifications! And it doesn't contain any framework or APDU or ... class!

What shall I do to be able write programs for Java Card 3.0.1? and how can I convert them to .cap file? (As far as I know I can't use the converter anymore, Is it right?)

enter image description here


  • The .jar is actually just an installer. You'll have to run it to get the real runtime using java -jar <file.jar>. Then you should get the SDK.