I am using TRestRequest to get data from a server. I need to fill a parameter with a Unicode string value: "ôpen". However, I get a crash calling Execute with this Unicode string as a query parameter.
My code :
RESTRequest->AddParameter("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8 ", TRESTRequestParameterKind::pkHTTPHEADER);
// Get Indexing Status
RESTRequest->Resource = "XXX/collection1"+ Form1->teReuqestHandler->Text+"?";
RESTRequest->Method = rmGET;
// replace all space in name field with '\ '
UnicodeString lcQuery = Form1->teQuery->Text; // this value should be support french language or ...
// Body
RESTRequest->AddParameter("q",lcQuery, TRESTRequestParameterKind::pkGETorPOST);
// Run
String str1 = RESTRequest->GetFullRequestURL();
RESTRequest->Execute(); // here when pass "ôpen" to lcQuery, it crash
How do I correctly add "ôpen" to my URL?
The Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8
HTTP header has no meaning in a GET
request, only in a POST
Embarcadero's REST framework does not handle non-ASCII charsets correctly. Even though it uses Indy internally, it does not utilize Indy's charset handling. As such, in order to send UTF-8 encoded data, you have to either:
encode a UnicodeString
to UTF-8 manually and then put the UTF-8 octets back into a UnicodeString
so TRESTRequest
can send them:
UnicodeString EncodeAsUtf8(const UnicodeString &s)
UTF8String utf8 = s;
UnicodeString ret;
for (int x = 1; x <= utf8.Length(); ++x)
ret[x] = (WideChar) utf8[x];
return ret;
RESTRequest->Method = rmGET;
RESTRequest->Resource = L"XXX/collection1" + Form1->teReuqestHandler->Text;
RESTRequest->AddParameter(L"q", EncodeAsUtf8(Form1->teQuery->Text), TRESTRequestParameterKind::pkGETorPOST);
String str1 = RESTRequest->GetFullRequestURL();
encode the parameter data yourself:
#include <IdGlobal.hpp>
#include <IdURI.hpp>
RESTRequest->Method = rmGET;
RESTRequest->Resource = L"XXX/collection1" + Form1->teReuqestHandler->Text;
RESTRequest->AddParameter(L"q", TIdURI::ParamsEncode(Form1->teQuery->Text, IndyTextEncoding_UTF8), TRESTRequestParameterKind::pkGETorPOST, TRESTRequestParameterOptions() << TRESTRequestParameterOption::poDoNotEncode);
String str1 = RESTRequest->GetFullRequestURL();
#include <IdGlobal.hpp>
#include <IdURI.hpp>
RESTRequest->Method = rmGET;
RESTRequest->Resource = L"XXX/collection1" + Form1->teReuqestHandler->Text + L"?q={q}";
RESTRequest->AddParameter(L"q", TIdURI::ParamsEncode(Form1->teQuery->Text, IndyTextEncoding_UTF8), TRESTRequestParameterKind::pkURLSEGMENT, TRESTRequestParameterOptions() << TRESTRequestParameterOption::poDoNotEncode);
String str1 = RESTRequest->GetFullRequestURL();
Otherwise, switch to Indy's TIdHTTP
UnicodeString Response = IdHTTP1->Get(L"http://server/XXX/collection1" + Form1->teReuqestHandler->Text + L"?q=" + TIdURI::ParamsEncode(Form1->teQuery->Text, IndyTextEncoding_UTF8));