I'm trying to replace my current Box2D library (box2dweb.js) with Google's LiquidFun library.
The major difference seems like they placed all the b2#ClassName# classes in the global scope instead of keeping them modular (in a Box2D.*
namespace like box2dweb did).
BUT it also seems like they've omitted a few b2#ClassName#, two of which I was using from the Box2dWeb.js version:
Are those deprecated / not fully implemented / forgotten?
Simply define the listener as an object of functions, like so:
var listener = {
BeginContactBody: function(contact) {
EndContactBody: function(contact) {
PostSolve: function(contact, impulse) {
PreSolve: function(contact, oldManifold) {
looking at https://github.com/google/liquidfun/blob/master/liquidfun/Box2D/lfjs/jsBindings/Dynamics/b2World.js helped me solve this, so if you run into other c++ -> javascript translation issues, that's a good starting point.