I am publishing an infopath 2010 form. This Form has Custom Code in VB.
I had to set the security level to "Full Trust" and then I needed to add a certificate:
Wictch I created with Digital Certificate for VBA Projects:
And all OK.. Until other users try to open the form and they are requeted to insert an SmartCard.....
Any Idea of What can I do to solve my problem?
Te problem happens cause IP detects that the web services will acces resources in the computer... This is, my web service needs to create files in a server form Infopath Attachments base64 fields...
I "Solved" this problem implementig the WS directly in Infopath and not with custom code. In this case you don't need select "Full Trust" and in concecuense you don´t get that anoying request.
You can read more in this links:
Now, I chose Custom Code over infopath rules cuase the time out... and it happened. In contrast with Custom Code, with infopath rules and big files i get Time Out error.
So... Some one can help me with this point?