
Magento setting up demo version - security threat?

I will be making demo version of Magento for a showcase. I want to give users admin credentials so they can see what Magento's administration has to offer.

a) Am I exposing server to some kind of security threat? I know that you can upload extensions through admin panel.

b) Users will click anything, I am sure of that. So I will make a cronjob to override database and files with backup in a certain time period.

I am not sure what kind of Magento user roles are, I need to look into it, maybe I can find a solution.

What is your opinion? Thank you in advance.


  • The best way is to create a new user and provide it with the permission to limited access. If you are not familiar to magento's user roles then this will be the best place to look for.

    I suggest you to backup your database for the safety.

    Hope this will help.