I am while customizing my spree e-commerce application. At first I added the spree_bootstrap_frontend
gem and I want to customize the oredres/edit view as follow:
Deface::Override.new(:virtual_path =>"spree/orders/edit",
:name => "continue_shopping",
:replace => "erb[loud]:contains('link_to t(:continue_shopping), products_path')",
:erb => "<%= link_to t(:continue_shopping), products_path, :class => 'btn btn-primary' %>")
but there's no change. Could you please help my first customization view?
I think you should just use :text
key instead of :erb
Deface::Override.new(:virtual_path =>"spree/orders/edit",
:name => "continue_shopping",
:replace => "erb[loud]:contains('link_to Spree.t(:continue_shopping), products_path')",
:text => "<%= link_to t(:continue_shopping), products_path, :class => 'btn btn-primary' %>")