
scala-maven-plugin : ClassNotFoundException

I am trying to run a simple Scala Hello World program using scala-maven-plugin from the command line in my Ubuntu VM running in Win-7 host OS.

I tried to execute in the following two ways :-

  1. mvn scala:run -DmainClass=com.infoobjects.HelloWorld

  2. Declaring the main class in a launcher tag in pom.xml and then executing mvn scala:run from the command line

But I am getting ClassNotFoundException in either case.

Directory Structure :-

Project > src > main > scala > com > infoobjects > HelloWorld.scala

Thanks in advance.

Here's my pom.xml



  • your pom.xml has schema's issue : <executions> should not be child of <configuration>. So everything under <executions> is ignored

    see Maven Model