
Eclipse e4 with JavaFX - How to get instances of Application and Stage (javafx)?

I am trying to add GraniteDS Framework to Javafx E4 application. I already osgify GraniteDS Javafx libraries to bundles, which i was able to initialize in JavaFX OSGi application (osgi app has jfxStart method with parameters i need).
But in Javafx E4 application (created using e(fx)clipse wizard) there no classes with start function. In osgi app code was:

protected void jfxStart(IApplicationContext applicationContext, Application jfxApplication, Stage primaryStage) {
        contextManager = new SimpleContextManager(new JavaFXApplication(jfxApplication, primaryStage));
        Context context = contextManager.getContext();

The question is - how to get jfxApplication and primaryStage instances in Javafx E4 application and where(when) to execute initialization (in Activator start method probably?)


  • Both are available through DI:

    class MyComponent {
      public MyComponent(Application app, @Named("primaryStage") Stage primaryStage) {

    Please note that primaryStage is NEVER shown in an e4+JavaFX application so you maybe really want to have is the stage you are shown in - so most likely what you really want is

    class MyComponent {
      public MyComponent(Application app, Stage primaryStage) {