
Stochastic Hill Climbing

I am trying to implement Stoachastic Hill Climbing in Java. I understand that this algorthim makes a new solution which is picked randomly and then accept the solution based on how bad/good it is. For example, if its very bad then it will have a small chance and if its slighlty bad then it will have more chances of being selected but I am not sure how I can implement this probability in java.

Whilst browing on Google, I came across this equation, where;

enter image description here

I am not really sure how to interpret this equation.

Can someone please help me on how I can implement this in Java?


  • The left hand side of the equation p will be a double between 0 and 1, inclusively. oldFitness, newFitness and T can also be doubles.

    You will have something similar to this in your code:

    double p = 1 / (1 + Math.exp((oldFitness - newFitness) / T));
    if (Math.random() < p) {
        // accept the new solution