Trying to start off with CakePHP's EventListener. I have set an event up, but it is not firing. I can't figure out why? This is the code I have so far...
public function view($slug = null) {
$profile = $this->Profiles->find()->where(['slug' => $slug])->first();
$this->set('profile', $profile);
$this->set('_serialize', ['profile']);
// I have confirmed this works.. but it is not calling the updateCountEvent method
public function implementedEvents(){
$_events = parent::implementedEvents();
$events['Controller.afterView'] = 'updateCountEvent';
return array_merge($_events, $events);
* Triggered when a profile is viewed...
public function updateCountEvent(){
Log::write('error', "Update count events"); // I dont get this line in the log. Not sure why this does not fire...
I revisited this question and was able to come up with a solution that works for me. Thanks Jose Lorenzo for the 'heads up'. This is my solution:
use Cake\Event\Event;
public function view($slug = null) {
$profile = $this->Profiles->find()->where(['slug' => $slug])->first();
$this->profileId = $profile->id;
$event = new Event('Controller.Profiles.afterView', $this);
$this->set('title', $profile->name);
$this->set('profile', $profile);
$this->set('_serialize', ['profile']);
public function implementedEvents(){
$_events = parent::implementedEvents();
$events['Controller.Profiles.afterView'] = 'updateCountEvent';
return array_merge($_events, $events);
public function updateCountEvent(){
$profile = $this->Profiles->get($this->profileId);
$profile->set('views_count', $profile->views_count + 1);
I see the power of Events especially if I get to send out emails, update more tables and perhaps run a cron..., however instead of writing these 2 lines of code and create 2 more methods for this specific case, I could have made this simple call within the view
action as such
$profile->set('views_count', $profile->views_count + 1);
The question would be.... Should I have opted for this simpler process, or stick with the events route?