I'm creating an app where I will store users under all postalcodes/zipcodes they want to deliver to. The structure looks like this:
The reason for the structure is to easily fetch all users who deliver to a certain postal code.
ex. postalcodes/21121/
If all user applies like 500 postalcodes and the app has about 1000 users it can become a lot of records:
500x1000 = 500000
Will Firebase easily handle that many records in data storage, or should I consider a different approach/solution? What are your thoughts?
Kind regards, Elias
I'm quite sure Firebase can return 500k nodes without a problem.
The bigger concerns are how long that retrieval will take (especially in this mobile-first era) and what your application will show your user based on that many nodes.
A list with 500k rows is hardly useful, so most likely you'll show a subset of the data.
Just some ideas of how I would approach this, so ymmv.