
Delphi: GR32 blending alpha channel is depend on Clear() color

I used a picture with alpha channel and some section of image is not fully opaque. When I draw it on a TImgView32 object that sections get a little color from Clear() color. Lets show it by a sample picture:

This is the original picture that you normally see in Photoshop:

enter image description here

And this is the result image when I draw it on a new layer in a GR32 object that I cleared it before with Clear($00FF0000);:

enter image description here

The result is transparent like photohop one but that red halo is the problem.

Or another color with Clear($000000FF);:

enter image description here

Note that as you know the color I used is fully transparent.

Here is the code I used to create above result:

  ImageList.Bitmaps.Add;     //ImageList is a TBitmap32List object
  LoadPNGintoBitmap32(ImageList.Bitmap[0], ImgPath+'test.png', DummyBool);

  BL:= TBitmapLayer.Create(ImgView.Layers);
  ScaleFactor:= 1;
  LayerPos:= Point(100, 100);

  with ImageList.Bitmap[ImgID] do
    ImageRect:= Rect(0, 0, Width, Height);

  {Auxilary variables}
  CanvasWidth:= ImageRect.Right{*2};   //Extending width for two icon.
  CanvasHeight:= ImageRect.Bottom;

  BL.Location:= FloatRect(
    LayerPos.X + CanvasWidth * ScaleFactor,
    LayerPos.Y + CanvasHeight * ScaleFactor

  with BL.Bitmap do
    SetSize(CanvasWidth, CanvasHeight);
    DrawMode:= dmBlend;

    {Insert image}
    Draw(0, 0, ImageRect, ImageList.Bitmap[ImgID]);

  if ScaleFactor<>1 then
    TDraftResampler.Create(BL.Bitmap);  //BL.Bitmap, because we used "Draw" method

How to avoid this and get a clear result like photoshop one?


  • As far as I can see it works as designed, provided you're using the cmBlend combine mode. cmBlend doesn't take the alpha of the background into account and, as the documentation states, should not be used to blend bitmaps:

    cmBlend - Fast blending of foreground color with the background color using the supplied alpha. This method is not suited for working and preserving alpha-channels. Use this more if you want to blend directly to the display buffer.

    Use the cmMerge combine mode instead when both the foreground and the background alpha is significant.