I've been using the new Video Toolbox methods to take an H.264 video stream and display it in a view controller using AVSampleBufferDisplayLayer
. This all works as intended and the stream looks great. However, when I try to take a screenshot of the entire view, the contents of the AVSampleBufferDisplayLayer
(i.e. the decompressed video stream) do not show up in the snapshot. The snapshot shows all other UI buttons/labels/etc. but the screenshot only shows the background color of the AVSampleBufferDisplayLayer
(which I had set to bright blue) and not the live video feed.
In the method below (inspired by this post) I take the SampleBuffer
from my stream and queue it to be displayed on the AVSampleBufferDisplayLayer
. Then I call my method imageFromLayer: to get the snapshot as a UIImage
. (I then either display that UIImage in the UIImageView imageDisplay, or I save it to the device's local camera roll to verify what the UIImage
looks like. Both methods yield the same result.)
-(void) h264VideoFrame:(CMSampleBufferRef)sample
[self.AVSampleDisplayLayer enqueueSampleBuffer:sample];
dispatch_sync(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^(void) {
UIImage* snapshot = [self imageFromLayer:self.AVSampleDisplayLayer];
[self.imageDisplay setImage:snapshot];
Here I simply take the contents of the AVSampleBufferDisplayLayer
and attempt to convert it to a UIImage
. If I pass the entire screen into this method as the layer, all other UI elements like labels/buttons/images will show up except for the AVDisplayLayer
. If I pass in just the AVDisplayLayer
, I get a solid blue image (since the background color is blue).
- (UIImage *)imageFromLayer:(CALayer *)layer
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions([layer frame].size, YES, 1.0);
[layer renderInContext:UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()];
UIImage *outputImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
//UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum(outputImage, self, nil, nil);
return outputImage;
I've tried using UIImage snapshot = [self imageFromLayer: self.AVSampleDisplayLayer.presentationLayer];
and .modelLayer
, but that didn't help. I've tried queueing the samplebuffer and waiting before taking a snapshot, I've tried messing with the opacity and xPosition of the AVDisplayLayer
... I've even tried setting different values for the CMTimebase
of the AVDisplayLayer
. Any hints are appreciated!
Also according to this post, and this post other people are having similar troubles with snapshots in iOS 8.
I fixed this by switching from AVSampleDisplayLayer
to VTDecompressionSession
. In the VTDecompression didDecompress
callback method, I send the decompressed image (CVImageBufferRef
) into the following method to get a screenshot of the video stream and turn it into a UIImage
-(void) screenshotOfVideoStream:(CVImageBufferRef)imageBuffer
CIImage *ciImage = [CIImage imageWithCVPixelBuffer:imageBuffer];
CIContext *temporaryContext = [CIContext contextWithOptions:nil];
CGImageRef videoImage = [temporaryContext
fromRect:CGRectMake(0, 0,
UIImage *image = [[UIImage alloc] initWithCGImage:videoImage];
[self doSomethingWithOurUIImage:image];