I have a function to display history list of version objects as below and I have this particular .py file in public repo at https://github.com/praneethkumarpidugu/django-reversion/blob/master/rev_history/views.py#L1:
from django.http import HttpResponse
from reversion.models import Version
#from django.contrib.admin.models import LogEntry
import json
def history_list(request):
history_list = Version.objects.all().order_by('-revision__date_created')
data = []
for i in history_list:
'date_time': str(i.revision.date_created),
'user': str(i.revision.user),
'object': i.object_repr,
'type': i.content_type.name,
'comment': i.revision.comment
data_ser = json.dumps(data)
return HttpResponse(data_ser, content_type="application/json")
To change the object entities I visited admin page I changed a boolean field for representation say "is_active" from true to false.
Now, I come to history page
I see the json data as below:
{"type": "model a", "date_time": "2015-03-04 15:58:36.141569+00:00", **"comment": "Changed is_active."**, "object": "ModelA object", "user": "admin1"}
Solution likely to have: I want comment to be split as previous_value: "True", "new_value": "False", "field": "is_active".
my research driving towards solution I digged into Revision class of reversion/models.py to see if there are any extra arguements to display field and value but to my understanding I'm unable to find the clue where I could find field and values for comment. for reference here is the comment from Revision
comment = models.TextField(blank=True,
help_text="A text comment on this revision.")
solution to represent field : This might look a bit silly but I just hacked into my own data of comment above to represent field as
'field': i.revision.comment.split(' ')[-1]
But I still need to get the values of the field which are original and new values after changing.
I hope I understood the problem properly, here's the half baked solution to it:
from django.db.models.signals import pre_save
from django.dispatch import receiver
import reversion
def _pre_save(sender, **kwargs):
_i = kwargs.get('instance')
_i_old = sender.objects.get(pk=_i.pk)
_current, _past = set(_i.__dict__.keys()), set(_i_old.__dict__.keys())
_intersection = _current.intersection(_past)
_changed_keys = set(o for o in _intersection if _i.__dict__[o] != _i_old.__dict__[o])
_comment = ['changed {} from {} to {}'.format(_, _i_old.__dict__[_], _i.__dict__[_]) for _ in _changed_keys]
reversion.set_comment(', '.join(_comment))
Haven't thought much about the performance overhead, but this should do the trick.
Hope this helps.