I created a java agent that needs to connect to an API internaly. The protocol used is HTTPS. When the agent tries to connect to the API it throws the following error:
com.ibm.jsse2.util: no trusted certificate found. This all is running on a Domino 9.0.1fp3 server. The SSL certificate is a self signed certificate with a custom certificate authority.
I tried the following solution http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21588966 but to no success. Even when we restarted the server it does not correctly pick up the certificate chain. As a last resort we created a little java class that ignores SSL certificates that are self signed. But ofcourse this is not a great solution.
I was wondering if someone also encountered this issue and knows how to solve it.
Apparently IBM forgot to mention that you actually need to restart the whole server for this to work....