
How do I include a third-party logger formatter in a PasteDeploy ini file?

I am trying to utilize Pyramid and pyramid_exclog to send exceptions to a third-party system whenever an exception occurs in my web app. Unfortunately, I cannot seem to make my PasteDeploy development.ini to properly recognize the formatter.

I've tried several variations, including:






I have also tried specifying pythonjsonlogger as part of my pyramid_includes, as so:

pyramid.includes = pyramid_exclog, pythonjsonlogger.jsonlogger

as well as just:

pyramid.includes = pyramid_exclog, pythonjsonlogger

At this point I am pretty stumped. What am I missing? How do I include custom formatters into a PasteDeploy-managed app?


  • You need to drop the () from your class line.

    Instead of:


    You need to do the following:


    pythonjsonlogger is not a Pyramid module and does not have an includeme() function which is called by Pyramid for all pyramid.includes.