I'm interested in achieving a transition between view controllers very similar to the transition in Evernote's iOS app:
When "Places" is tapped, it smoothly expands into what looks like UINavigationController with a green border around it. To collapse it, I can either tap "Back" or swipe from the left side of the screen to gradually transition to the home screen.
I'm not looking for exact code samples to copy-paste, bur rather for high-level guidance on which concepts and Apple APIs to leverage. More specifically,
An approach to consider: you can use a UICollectionView
with two different layouts. The unexpanded layout can just be a UICollectionViewFlowLayout
and the expanded layout can be a subclass that shrinks/fades all the cells except the one you want expanded. Then you can use setCollectionViewLayout:animated:
to switch between them.
The green border would just be the background of the parent view, since this wouldn't involve a UINavigationController
And if you want the interactive swipe gesture for going back from the expanded layout, you hook up a UIScreenEdgePanGestureRecognizer
to an interactive collection view layout animation (see startInteractiveTransitionToCollectionViewLayout:completion: